The Sunsight AAT Mini, AAT, and AAT Max models can be connected to via the Sunsight Android App (preferred) or your iPhone or laptop. The Sunsight Android App, with its user-friendly interface, provides free photo reporting, Google Earth interference reporting, faster WiFi connection, and USB-C connection, making the AAT models easy to use and efficient in the field.
Using the Sunsight Android App
WiFi Network
You’re already familiar with this connection method if you have used the legacy AAT30, AAT15, or AAT08 models. You will use the WiFi network created by the AAT to connect to your handheld device. The updated model’s app redesign makes this connection faster and easier. Open the Sunsight Android App, select the AAT unit serial number, and go!
• Press the power button on the front of the AAT, and an LED will light
• After a few seconds, the green LINK LED and the blue azimuth LED will flash. The AAT is ready to connect to the handheld device
• Launch the Sunsight app on the Android-based handheld device.
• If asked, allow camera usage. This is necessary for adding photos using the App’s free photo reporting option.
• Under “Connect to an AAT” select your unit’s serial number and press Go!
USB-C Cable
Connection to the AAT WiFi network can be disrupted in a crowded tower environment. To address this, we have added a USB-C port to the AAT, providing a reliable cabled method when needed. Simply connect the supplied USB-C cable to the AAT and your Android device. Once the App recognizes the AAT is plugged in, it will automatically connect, ensuring uninterrupted work in challenging conditions.
To download the Sunsight Android App, please visit the Sunsight website support page: Sunsight AAT Support Page
Using an iPhone or laptop
If you are using an iOS device or laptop or cannot access the Sunsight Android App, you can connect to the AAT on your device’s WiFi network and operate the AAT using your browser.
• Press the power button on the front of the AAT, and an LED will light
• After a few seconds, the green LINK LED and the blue azimuth LED will flash. The AAT is ready to connect to the handheld device
• On the iPhone or laptop, navigate to view the available WiFi networks.
• Select the AAT WiFi network from the WiFi network list. The AAT WiFi network is identified by AAT plus the numeric serial number (i.e., AAT 501xxxx)
o If asked, allow the device to stay connected without the internet
o If asked, allow automatic connection to the AAT WiFi network
• Launch the web browser (Google Chrome recommended) on the iPhone or laptop
• In the web browser, navigate to This is the AAT’s internal website, which operates the AAT.
Connection FAQ
My phone keeps disconnecting!
This can occur on crowded towers from PIM interference. We recommend connecting using the USB-C cable.
Can I use an iPhone?
Yes, see the instructions above for using an iPhone or laptop.
Do I need cellular coverage?
I can’t find the App in the Google Play Store.
To download the Sunsight Android App, please visit the Sunsight website support page:
Are there any specific compatibility requirements for Android devices to use the Sunsight App?
The Sunsight Android App requires Android 10.0 or greater
My team doesn’t want to use their personal phones on the tower. Can I buy a dedicated smartphone to keep with the AAT?
Yes! Call us! +1-321-244-9443 x1
The provided USB-C cable isn’t long enough
Call us! +1-321-244-9443 x1
Can I run the tool from the ground?
Maybe, but we don’t recommend it. WiFi networks typically have a limitation of 100-150ft, meaning that your device should be within this range of the AAT unit for a stable connection. Your device’s distance from the AAT unit and PIM interference will affect your connection quality. In addition the AAT is designed for immediate feedback for the person adjusting the antenna to its proper alignment position.
Can more than one phone connect at a time?
Yes, BUT you may begin to see unexpected behavior. If both users navigate to different pages or enter information on the same pages, you may see an effect from having more than one user connected. If this interferes with your AAT use, connect one person at a time.
I work on secure projects and need WiFi completely disabled
Call us! +1-321-244-9443 x2
What should I do if the AAT does not power on or respond?
Call us! +1-321-244-9443 x2
What should I do if the App does not see the AAT?
Call us! +1-321-244-9443 x2